Call for projects | Call for proposals

2016 photo assignment or summer edition of Rencontres

The mission of Rencontres internationales de la photographie en Gaspésie is to introduce people to photographic creation in all its forms and to impart a knowledge of it, through an approach that fosters encounters between artistic creation and the public.

Rencontres seeks to convey the work of professional photographers (recognized and emerging) by way of an original and diversified programming through exhibits, artist residencies,* projections, performances and other activities.

The objective of Rencontres is to carry out truly substantive work in the areas of dissemination and artistic education. We are deeply committed to the belief that encounters and exchanges between the public and artists are conducive, in the long term, to a deeper understanding of artistic approaches and, as a result, of photography. Rencontres is a foundation that makes it possible to conduct a cultural activity the rest of the year, one in which the photograph is the leitmotiv.

*A residency furthers the welcome of an artist in Gaspé territory. Rencontres offers supervision and services designed to make his or her stay easier. The residency allows for reflection and for research in the territory.

Submitting a proposal or a project

For the 2016 photo assignment:
Artists wishing to submit a project must fill out this application form by March 20, 2016 at 11: 59 p.m. (Québec time).

For the summer edition of Rencontres:
Artists wishing to submit their file may do so at any time by filling out this submission form. For your file to be processed for the next edition of Rencontres, it should preferably be submitted by November 1 of the year preceding that of the targeted summer festival.

In both cases, your file must contain the following elements:

Pleae fill in the form below to submit your application.

Please correct the required fields in red.

Your project is? *

Are you? *

Description of the project * (maximum 500 words)

Artist's statement * (maximum 500 words)

Please upload your curriculum vitae.

Attach curriculum vitae * (Word or PDF format only)

Please upload at least one image.

Attach up to 10 photos * (Mac RVB compatible jpg files, 1024 x 768 pixels at 72 ppi, 2MB maximum)

Add a photo

Please wait while we upload your files. This can take a few minutes depending on their size and your Internet connection. For the operation to be successful, do not close this window.

Your application has been saved.
A confirmation email has been sent to the email address you supplied.
Thank you.